Диски NICHE VERONA White with Machined Face

NICHE VERONA White with Machined FaceNICHE VERONA White with Machined FaceNICHE VERONA White with Machined FaceNICHE VERONA White with Machined FaceNICHE VERONA White with Machined FaceLand Rover Range Rover Sport на дисках Niche Verona
Параметри диска
Оберіть Параметри диска
від: 16551 грн
до: 30378 грн

Розмір: 18" | 19" | 20" | 22" | 24"
Болти: 5x100 | 5x112 | 5x114.3 | 5x120 | 5x108 | 5x130
